Upcoming annual Conference of CSI- North East Chapter and Cardiological Society of Assam held on 27th to 29th October, 2023 at Shillong, Meghalaya

Welcome to CSI - NE Chapter

We are team of dedicated cardiologists to build healthy Heart

Formation of CSI – NE Chapter

The idea of forming a CSI –NE Chapter was conceived in a meeting held in Dibrugarh on the 13th of November 1999. Subsequently the CSI – NE Chapter was formed on 13th December 1999. Prof. M C Bhuyan, who can be regarded as the pioneer in the field of Cardiology in the North East, was nominated as the founder President. The other office bearers were as follows:
Dr. B Das and Dr. A K Barooah as Vice Presidents, Dr. A K Sarma as Hony. General Secretary, Dr. B Choudhury as Treasurer, Dr. G. Basumatary and Dr. D. S. Sethi as Joint Treasurers and Dr. H C Kalita, Dr. S K Biswas, Dr. B B Kukreja, Dr. B B Bhoumik, Dr. N K Bhattacharya, Dr. Dipak Sarma and Dr. P C Sarma as Executive Members.

The first annual conference was held in Dibrugarh in December 1999 and the second annual conference was held on 30th September 2000 in Shillong in the presence of the then President of CSI, Prof. Upendra Kaul

NE CSI Award



( Registered under the Society Registration Act XXI of 1961 )

ARTICLE II Aims and Objectives :
Advancement of Scientific knowledge and research in relation to the Cardiovascular system in all its aspects to improve our basic understanding And to find better preventive measures and treatment of all types of Cardiovascular diseases. To achieve these aims and objectives, the Society shall,

1. Hold periodical meetings, conferences and social gatherings
2. Arrange clinical discourses, discussions and demonstration on any subject of interest of the Society,
3. Actively encourage research, teaching and training programmes at various centers,
4. Engage in public education and training with the objective of improved preventive programmes for the welfare of all,
5. Publish distribute or otherwise circulate, records, transactions and proceedings of the Various meetings and conferences of the Society.
6. Publish and circulate a journal (Indian Heart Journal) which shall be a character specially related to the Cardiovascular science and shall be the official organ of the Society,
7. Coordinate as necessary and as seen fit with other Societies or Organizations having similar and allied objectives,
8. Raise and borrow money and invest any sum belonging to the Society not immediately required, in such a manner as the Society may think fit,
9. Erect , maintain , improve or alter and keep in repair any building occupied by the Society,
10. Do all such other things as are cognate to the objectives of the Society or are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.

ARTICLE III Headquarters of the Society
The Head Office of the Society shall be at Calcutta or any other place as decided by the General Body, the present registered address being at 41, Creek Row, Calcutta-700014.

ARTICLE IV Membership:
There shall be 5 categories of membership. The following are eligible (see also bye-laws-Article I).

Ordinary Member:
(a) Member of the medical profession with recognized postgraduate degree in Medicine (with a registrable qualification in Western Medical Science as defined in the Indian Medical Degree Act, 1916, Clause 2, act VII) and a sub stained interest in the Cardiovascular system.

(b) Members of the medical profession with a recognized postgraduate degree in surgery, pharmacology, pathology, paediatrics or allied specialities (with a registrable qualification in Western medical Sciences as defined in the Indian Medical Degree Act , 1916 Clause 2, Act VII) provided their entire training work / research is related to the Cardiovascular system .

(c) Non-medical members of related specialities with a recognized postgraduate degree and whose major work / research is related to the Cardiovascular system.

Associate Member :
Other medical men who have a registrable qualification in Western Medical Science as defined in the Indian Medical Degree Act, 1916 , Clause 2, Act VII and who are interested in the Cardiovascular system could be enrolled as Associate members of the Society ( without a right to vote and to hold office ).

Life Member :
Any person eligible for ordinary membership may on paying the approved fee at one time, become a Life-member and will enjoy all the privileges of an ordinary member.

Honorary Member :
Eminent members of the medical profession or high scientific attainment from any country may be elected honorary members (if so approved by the Credential Committee ). Members desirous of proposing such members must send details of the person to Secretary. The total number of honorary membership shall not exceed 15 at any time. An honorary member will not entitled to hold office or vote at any meeting.

Corporate Member :
Any Institution approved by the Executive Committee may be elected as a corporate member of the Society according to the procedure laid down in the bye-laws. The term ‘Institution’ may be deemed to include any public or private company Company or firm , a Society registered under any law, a duly constituted trust, a statutory body, any association or special fund organization set-up under an Act of Parliament or a state Government.
The fees collected from corporate members, will be credited to an Endowment fund. The ‘Corporate Member’ will be entitled to receive all the publications of the Society, but will not be entitled to vote contest, propose, second or hold any office.

ARTICLE V Office-Bearers & Executive Committee :
The following officers shall be elected from among the members :
President - 1
President Elect - 1
Vice-President - 3
2 more on All India basis and one from Headquarters.
Secretary - 1
Treasurer - 1
Editor, Indian Heart Journal - 1
The Executive Committee shall consist of the above office-bearers and
Immediate past President of the Society
17 members elected according to the bye-laws
2 past Presidents of the Society elected by the Executive Committee
A nominated member from Armed Forces by the Executive Committee
A Joint Secretary nominated by the President elect

ARTICLE VI Funds & Assets :
The funds of the Society shall consist of
(a) Application fees,
(b) Membership fees,
(c) Contributions, donations, grants from any source,
(d) Increase from investments,
(e) Gifts and legacies or immovable or movable,
(f) Endowments.
ARTICLE VII Amendments :
Any change in the Constitution or bye-laws must first be considered by the Executive Committee and later passed by a 2/3rd majority at a General Body Meeting. In the case of changes in the Constitution the change becomes operative, if a majority of 2/3rds or more valid votes are obtained in a postal ballot conducted as laid down in the bye-law. In the case of changes in the bye laws, no postal ballot is necessary after the General Body Meeting..


SL No Members Name State Area Mobile No Email Id CSI ID
1 Dr. A. K. Barooah Assam Guwahati 9435013901 amrit.barooah@gmail.com 553
2 Dr. Atindra Kr. Adhikari Assam Guwahati 9435047351 atindraadhikari@yahoo.com L-2629
3 Dr. Neil Bardoloi Assam Guwahati 9435703742 neilbard@rediffmail.com L-2961
4 Dr. Rituparna Baruah Assam Guwahati 08255072907 drrituparna_baruah@rediffmail.com L-4219


Executive Committee

SL No Position Name Address
1 President Dr Neil Bardoloi Guwahati, Assam

Past Presidents

SL No Period Name Details
1 2022-2023 Dr Neil Bardoloi Guwahati, Assam

Past Secretaries

SL No Period Name Details
1 2022-2023 Dr Neil Bardoloi Guwahati, Assam

Upcoming conference host Committee

SL No Position Name Address
1 President Dr Neil Bardoloi Guwahati, Assam

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Exercitationem nostrum omnis. Ut reiciendis repudiandae minus. Omnis recusandae ut non quam ut quod eius qui. Ipsum quia odit vero atque qui quibusdam amet. Occaecati sed est sint aut vitae molestiae voluptate vel

Office bearers

Dr. Neil Bardoloi


Guwahati, Assam

Dr. D. J. Dutta

President Elect

Dibrugarh, Assam

Dr. Farhin Iqbal


Guwahati, Assam

Dr. Krishna C Narzary


Guwahati, Assam


  • Hypertension CME held in Hotel Bivanta by Taj

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  • Molestie a iaculis at erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo. Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in. Nunc vel risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan. Sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est. Purus gravida quis blandit turpis cursus in.

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Prof. M. C. Bhuyan

Farmart Cardiologist

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Prof. A. K. Barooah

Farmar Cardiologist

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